“Saltwater Tribe” was stablished as a locally owned business in Queensland in 2017, by two girls, mermaids, avid ocean lovers and friends – Roxana & Yvonne. Saltwater Tribe is now owned and operated from Perth, WA by Yvonne.
Our vision is to offer a thoughtfully selected products that are ocean inspired & promote sustainable living. We collaborate only with artists and companies that share out values. Our promise is to donate 10% of our profit to Tangaroa Blue Foundation to help with their mission of tackling marine debris and educating future generations.
We believe in a ‘stronger together’ world. A place where small businesses are supported, upcoming artist given the chance to be seen, organisations be heard and voices raised in the fight against marine debris. We recognise that it is important in life to feel like you belong and to identify with a group. The name Saltwater Tribe was chosen for that very reason: we are building our brand to connect ocean lovers together and with the ocean.
We pride ourselves on delivering a friendly and professional service so we hope you have an enjoyable shopping experience and learn a little more about the ocean and its magnificent contribution to our lives along the way.
After all, we are a Shop with Purpose!